Cool Curling Delivery Stick References

Excaliber Curling Delivery Stick
Excaliber Curling Delivery Stick from

Curling Delivery Stick: A Game-Changing Equipment in Curling


Curling is a sport that requires precision, skill, and strategy. One of the most important pieces of equipment in curling is the delivery stick. It is a device that helps players deliver the stone with accuracy and ease. In this article, we will discuss the curling delivery stick in detail, its features, advantages, and how it has revolutionized the game.

The Curling Delivery Stick

The curling delivery stick is a long pole with a cradle or cup at the end. It allows the player to release the stone without bending down or sliding on the ice. The stick is made of lightweight materials like fiberglass or carbon fiber, making it easy to handle and maneuver. The cradle can be adjusted to fit the diameter of the stone, ensuring a secure grip.

Advantages of Using a Delivery Stick

The delivery stick has several advantages that have made it a game-changer in curling. For one, it reduces the strain on the back and knees, making it an ideal tool for players with physical limitations. It also allows players to maintain an upright posture, which is essential for accuracy and balance. The stick enables players to deliver the stone with greater precision, speed, and control, improving their chances of scoring.

How to Use a Delivery Stick

Using a delivery stick requires practice and proper technique. The player holds the stick with both hands, placing the cradle over the stone. They then push the stone forward with the stick, using their body weight to provide momentum. The release is done by tilting the stick backward, allowing the stone to slide smoothly onto the ice. The player must ensure that the stone is in the correct position and that the stick is aligned with the target.

Impact on the Game

The delivery stick has had a significant impact on the game of curling, particularly in the senior and adaptive categories. It has made the sport more accessible to a wider range of players, regardless of age or physical ability. It has also changed the strategy of the game, allowing teams to play more aggressively and take on more risks. The delivery stick has become an essential tool in competitive curling, with many players using it to gain an edge over their opponents.


Q: Can anyone use a delivery stick in curling? A: Yes, anyone can use a delivery stick in curling, but it is more commonly used by seniors and players with physical limitations. Q: Does using a delivery stick affect the speed of the stone? A: No, using a delivery stick does not affect the speed of the stone. It depends on the force and direction applied by the player. Q: Is the delivery stick allowed in all curling competitions? A: The use of the delivery stick is allowed in most curling competitions, but it is best to check with the rules and regulations of the specific event.


The curling delivery stick has become an integral part of the game, providing players with a tool to enhance their accuracy, speed, and control. Its lightweight and adjustable design have made it accessible to a wider range of players, making curling a more inclusive sport. Its impact on the game is undeniable, and it will continue to play a significant role in the future of curling.

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